I introduce about how to take a subway. First, you have to find entrance. Subway’s mark in Nagoya and Russia are different, so you have to remember this mark. If you enter there, you can find ticket office. Second, you have to buy a ticket. Look this tariff. After you confirm a fare, you buy a ticket. There are some ticket vending machines. If you put money into that, Price is showed, so you push button. Third, you go along a gate. You put ticket into automatic ticket gate, if so, gate are opened. After you go along a gate, you must not forget to pick up your ticket. At last, you take a subway. There are many directional signs, and lines are separated by color, you can go a platform easily. After you take a subway, you have to look for map. There are many exits, if you do not look map, you can not know which exit you have to go. If you do not know something, you ask someone about the problem. If so, you can solve the problem. Let’s take a subway, and enjoy Nagoya.
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